new green power 永鑫能源

𒊹︎︎︎ Re-Branding
In the realm of sustainable energy, NGP (New Green Power) stands as a trailblazer in Taiwan's solar industry, renowned for its comprehensive expertise spanning development, design, construction, and project management. Tasked with revolutionizing their brand, we embarked on crafting a visual identity that would encapsulate NGP's essence while propelling them into a new era.
The brand revamp concept centered on instilling a sense of adaptability, sustainability, vision, and connectivity. Emphasizing perpetual movement, the design conveys NGP's commitment to progress and innovation. An open platform ethos was integral, fostering collaboration, shared values, community bonds, and an overarching aura of positivity.
在可持續能源領域,NGP(New Green Power)是台灣太陽能行業的開拓者,以其在開發、設計、施工和項目管理方面的全面專業知識而聞名。我們的任務是為他們打造一個全新的品牌形象,以體現NGP的本質,同時將其帶入一個新時代。

A pivotal aspect of the redesign was the transition from the verbose "永鑫能源 New Green Power" to the succinct "NGP," symbolizing a streamlined and modern approach to communication. Redefining the brand's essence as "connecting lives with green solutions" underscored NGP's forward-thinking mindset and commitment to making a meaningful impact on society.
在設計中,我們強調了NGP不斷前進的精神,同時重新詮釋了品牌名稱,從“永鑫能源”到簡潔的“NGP”,以突顯現代感和精簡性。重新定義品牌的價值和本質,我們將NGP定位為“以綠能 串連生活”,強調了他們的未來思維和對社會的積極影響。
在設計中,我們強調了NGP不斷前進的精神,同時重新詮釋了品牌名稱,從“永鑫能源”到簡潔的“NGP”,以突顯現代感和精簡性。重新定義品牌的價值和本質,我們將NGP定位為“以綠能 串連生活”,強調了他們的未來思維和對社會的積極影響。

New Logo first appearance during the “Energy Taiwan exhibition”
國際台灣智慧能源週展覽 - 全新商標首次露出

︎︎︎Concept designs
The result? A forward-thinking design that not only ushered in a fresh image for NGP but also extended their brand value, positioning them as a beacon of innovation and sustainability in the renewable energy landscape.