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We are a Taipei-based design agency that offers creative solutions for a variety of design needs. Our specialization lies in providing customized branding and commercial design consultation services to clients from all backgrounds, whether you are a small startup aiming to make a big impact or a large corporation seeking a fresh perspective.

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We are a Taipei-based design agency that offers creative solutions for a variety of design needs. Our specialization lies in providing customized branding and commercial design consultation services to clients from all backgrounds, whether you are a small startup aiming to make a big impact or a large corporation seeking a fresh perspective.

new green power 永鑫能源

𒊹︎︎︎ Re-Branding

In the realm of sustainable energy, NGP (New Green Power) stands as a trailblazer in Taiwan's solar industry, renowned for its comprehensive expertise spanning development, design, construction, and project management. Tasked with revolutionizing their brand, we embarked on crafting a visual identity that would encapsulate NGP's essence while propelling them into a new era.

The brand revamp concept centered on instilling a sense of adaptability, sustainability, vision, and connectivity. Emphasizing perpetual movement, the design conveys NGP's commitment to progress and innovation. An open platform ethos was integral, fostering collaboration, shared values, community bonds, and an overarching aura of positivity.

在可持續能源領域,NGP(New Green Power)是台灣太陽能行業的開拓者,以其在開發、設計、施工和項目管理方面的全面專業知識而聞名。我們的任務是為他們打造一個全新的品牌形象,以體現NGP的本質,同時將其帶入一個新時代。


A pivotal aspect of the redesign was the transition from the verbose "永鑫能源 New Green Power" to the succinct "NGP," symbolizing a streamlined and modern approach to communication. Redefining the brand's essence as "connecting lives with green solutions" underscored NGP's forward-thinking mindset and commitment to making a meaningful impact on society.

在設計中,我們強調了NGP不斷前進的精神,同時重新詮釋了品牌名稱,從“永鑫能源”到簡潔的“NGP”,以突顯現代感和精簡性。重新定義品牌的價值和本質,我們將NGP定位為“以綠能 串連生活”,強調了他們的未來思維和對社會的積極影響。

New Logo first appearance during the “Energy Taiwan exhibition”
國際台灣智慧能源週展覽 - 全新商標首次露出

︎︎︎Concept designs
The result? A forward-thinking design that not only ushered in a fresh image for NGP but also extended their brand value, positioning them as a beacon of innovation and sustainability in the renewable energy landscape.




𒊹︎︎︎ Visual Identity
𒊹︎︎︎ Retail

Drawing upon the shop's origin in Lukang and the cultural significance of Chinese temples, we utilized wood sculpture as the primary design element to create a logo that is both unique and memorable. The warm, earthy tones of the woodwork are complemented by the bold, modern typography, creating a balance between tradition and innovation. The end result is a visually striking logo that captures the essence of this beloved bubble tea shop and its roots in Taiwanese culture.



We were also responsible for designing all the marketing materials, including the cups, menu, shop front interior, and other visual elements that create a cohesive brand experience for the customers. Our goal was to create a welcoming atmosphere that incorporates the traditional elements of Lukang and Chinese culture, while also conveying a modern and trendy vibe that appeals to the younger generation.




𒊹︎︎︎ Visual Identity
𒊹︎︎︎ Integrated Design

EV OASIS is an EV charging service provider with over 200 charging stations located throughout Taiwan. The main concept of the brand image is to create a futuristic design that seamlessly integrates with all car brands, regardless of their specific design elements.

The logo features a minimalist design with a sleek, simple font and an electric lake-blue-green color that represents the futuristic and eco-friendly nature of the brand. The circular shape of the logo symbolizes the charging slot as well as the infinite possibilities of EV technology and clean energy - to calls out the goal of the brand - provides an oasis of electricity for EV drivers.

The visual identity of EV OASIS adopts clean lines and modern minimalistic elements, creating a friendly and simplistic design across various user interfaces. This effectively highlights the brand's commitment to providing convenient, user-friendly, and sustainable electric vehicle charging solutions.

With its branding and marketing resources, as well as its charging pole and station designs, EV OASIS has become a trendsetter in the electric vehicle industry, making it one of the most well-known and beloved charging service providers in Taiwan.

EV OASIS 是一家在台灣設有超過200個充電站的電動車充電服務提供者。我們為品牌定義富未來感的形象, 標誌採用極簡設計,搭配流暢簡單的字體和湖藍綠色,代表品牌的未來主義和環保特性。標誌的圓形形狀象徵充電插槽以及電動車技術和清潔能源的無限可能性,突顯了品牌的目標 - 為電動車司機提供電力的綠洲。

EV OASIS 的視覺識別採用乾淨的線條和現代極簡主義元素,在各個使用者介面皆打造一個親和簡約的設計,有效凸顯品牌致力於提供便捷、友善易用,且可持續的電動車充電解決方案。

品牌和營銷資源以及充電樁和站內設計都在電動車界帶起風潮,使得 EV OASIS 成為台灣最知名和受人喜愛的充電服務提供商之一。

︎︎︎photos are provided by clients

︎︎︎site locations photos are provided by clients

NEC Calendar Design 2019 / 2020

2019 / 2020

𒊹︎︎︎ Key visual concept
𒊹︎︎︎ Calendar design

The calendar design for NEC, a leading tech company in Taiwan and Japan - is not just a mere schedule-keeping tool, but it also embodies the company's core values & businesses: 1) Safer cities, 2) Bio-IDiom authentication, 3) Technology Vision, and its brand slogan - 4) Orchestrating A Brighter Future.

為台灣與日本領先的科技公司NEC所打造的日曆設計,不僅僅是一個日程管理工具,更蘊含了公司的核心價值與業務:1)打造更安全的城市,2)生物特徵身份驗證,3)科技願景,以及品牌核心- 4)共創更光明的未來。

Design for 2019 

To match NEC's brand image, the design has a symbolic minimalistic approach with bold yet detailed touches, which represents the company's commitment to innovation, professional, and excellence.


OFALO - Spread The Seeds of Beauty


𒊹︎︎︎ Branding
𒊹︎︎︎ Packaging

Designing the visual identity for OFALO, a brand focused on using indigenous plants in their cosmetic products, was a unique and inspiring project. The name, meaning "seeds in the flower", is a beautiful representation of the brand's values - spreading the seeds of beauty using traditional methods. The logo design, featuring a soft, hand-drawn dandelion, perfectly captures the essence of the brand. The versatility of the logo allows it to be placed in various directions and angles, giving it a modern yet authentic feel.

OFALO是一個專注於在化妝品產品中使用台灣原生植物的品牌,本次品牌設計是一個獨特具啟發性的項目。品牌名稱在原住民族阿美語中,意為「花中之種子」,美麗地體現了品牌價值觀 - 以傳統方法傳播美的種子。


In addition, we wanted to show that not just indigenous patterns or graphics can be used in an indigenous brand, but a modern approach can also communicate the ancient beauty of traditional methods.


A versatile application followed by the concept of a flowing dandelion in different distance.

2024 © Linshan design & consultancy co ltd