New Taipei City Music & Art Festival 2024 生音藝術節

𒊹︎︎︎ Event Visual Identity
𒊹︎︎︎ Integrated Design
For the NTC 2024 Music & Art Festival visual campaign, we crafted a vibrant and dynamic visual identity that captures the festival’s spirit of creativity, diversity, and joy. Spanning from July to October, the festival integrates the well-established New Taipei Musical Festival and Rising Stars in Music, featuring cross-disciplinary music salons, theatrical performances, and children's musical theater workshops.
Our design concept revolves around geometric representations of musical instruments, symbolizing the harmony between different art forms. By incorporating bold colors and playful compositions, we aimed to reflect the festival’s energetic and inclusive atmosphere, inviting audiences of all ages to immerse themselves in a world where music and art come alive. The result is a visually engaging campaign that not only enhances the festival’s identity but also amplifies its mission to celebrate artistic expression and community engagement.
新北市 2024 生音藝術節 視覺設計以充滿活力與動感的視覺語言,展現藝術節的多元、創意與歡樂氛圍。今年藝術節自 7 月至 10 月舉行,結合 新北音樂劇節 與 樂壇新星 兩大品牌,活動內容涵蓋跨領域音樂沙龍、音樂戲劇展演、兒童音樂劇體驗營等,邀請國內優秀的青年音樂家與音樂劇團隊共同策劃,帶來豐富精彩的音樂藝術體驗。
我們的設計概念以 幾何化的樂器圖像 為核心,象徵不同藝術形式的交融與對話。透過 鮮明的色彩運用與活潑的構圖,營造出熱情洋溢且充滿感染力的視覺效果,吸引各年齡層的觀眾參與其中。整體視覺不僅塑造了藝術節獨特的品牌形象,更強化了活動「讓音樂與藝術融入生活、連結社群」的核心精神。
我們的設計概念以 幾何化的樂器圖像 為核心,象徵不同藝術形式的交融與對話。透過 鮮明的色彩運用與活潑的構圖,營造出熱情洋溢且充滿感染力的視覺效果,吸引各年齡層的觀眾參與其中。整體視覺不僅塑造了藝術節獨特的品牌形象,更強化了活動「讓音樂與藝術融入生活、連結社群」的核心精神。

In addition, we prioritize sustainability in physical applications. All POP displays are made from eco-friendly D-Board, ensuring a visually striking yet environmentally responsible design. Instead of printing individual program leaflets for each performance, we have adopted a digital version, reducing paper waste while providing audiences with easy access to event information.
此外,我們在 實體應用 上也特別重視 環保永續 的理念。所有 POP 設計皆採用 環保材質 D-Board,確保設計兼具美觀與環境友善。節目手冊部分,則以 數位化 取代傳統紙本,減少印刷品的浪費,讓觀眾透過電子版本輕鬆獲取節目資訊。
此外,我們在 實體應用 上也特別重視 環保永續 的理念。所有 POP 設計皆採用 環保材質 D-Board,確保設計兼具美觀與環境友善。節目手冊部分,則以 數位化 取代傳統紙本,減少印刷品的浪費,讓觀眾透過電子版本輕鬆獲取節目資訊。

Dynamic City Parkour 城市跑酷

𒊹︎︎︎ Logo type Design
𒊹︎︎︎ Promotional Material Design
In collaboration with the New Taipei City Culture Foundation, We had the opportunity to work on the logo type design for "城市跑酷 Dynamic City Parkour." Rooted in the Foundation's vision of promoting cultural equality, this project aims to break down barriers between urban and rural areas by offering elementary school students across New Taipei City the chance to engage in a city parkour-themed painting activity.
The logo type design captures the essence of this dynamic concept, with bold and lively typography that reflects the adventurous spirit of parkour. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant illustrations by local illustrator, Train 火車, the design incorporates jumps and parkour movements through characters, creating a sense of excitement and movement.
在與新北市文化基金會的合作中,我們有機會為「城市跑酷 Dynamic City Parkour」設計標誌字型。在基金會與主創作、動畫製作者黑碼藝識共同合作的專案中,根植於促進文化平權的願景, 他們期待透過繪畫打破城鄉圍籬,藉由動畫線稿接力創作,共同完成圓頂動畫作品。
標誌字型設計捕捉了這個動態概念的本質,採用了大膽而生動的字體,反映了跑酷的冒險精神。配合插畫家火車 (Train) 的生動筆觸,通過字型的跳躍和動態,營造歡樂動感的氛圍。

Through this project, children are invited to unleash their imagination and explore the colorful cityscape of New Taipei City, transcending boundaries and embarking on an exhilarating urban adventure.
計畫總籌 | New Taipei City Culture Foundation 財團法人新北市文化基金會
主創作 動畫製作 | Hey mechanic! 黑碼藝識
插畫設計 | 火車 Train
標準字設計 | 厸彡 Linshan
計畫總籌 | New Taipei City Culture Foundation 財團法人新北市文化基金會
主創作 動畫製作 | Hey mechanic! 黑碼藝識
插畫設計 | 火車 Train
標準字設計 | 厸彡 Linshan
Year of the Tiger Campaign - New Taipei City Government

𒊹︎︎︎ Promotional Campaign
𒊹︎︎︎ Illustration Design
Our team was tasked with creating a campaign that celebrated the Chinese New Year (2022 Year of the Tiger) while highlighting the beauty and diversity of New Taipei City. Inspired by the famous line of poetry "In me the tiger sniffs the rose", we chose to depict a gentle and calm tiger sniffing a beautiful Camellia flower, which represents the city.
We designed a calendar featuring the distinct features of each district in New Taipei City, showcasing the city's cultural and geographical diversity. The campaign also included the design of red envelopes and yoyo card covers, which were widely distributed throughout the city during the holiday season. It was an honor for our project to be featured in the governmental annual as well.
受新北市文化局委託設計及創建一個慶祝中國農曆新年(2022年虎年)並凸顯新北市之美和多樣性的活動。受到著名詩句「心有猛虎,細嗅薔薇」的啟發,我們選擇描繪一隻溫和平靜又可愛的老虎,嗅聞美麗的新北市市花 - 山茶花。我們設計了一份以新北市各區獨特特色為主題的日曆,展示了這座城市的文化和地理多樣性,同時結合虎年的主題。
受新北市文化局委託設計及創建一個慶祝中國農曆新年(2022年虎年)並凸顯新北市之美和多樣性的活動。受到著名詩句「心有猛虎,細嗅薔薇」的啟發,我們選擇描繪一隻溫和平靜又可愛的老虎,嗅聞美麗的新北市市花 - 山茶花。我們設計了一份以新北市各區獨特特色為主題的日曆,展示了這座城市的文化和地理多樣性,同時結合虎年的主題。

Our team's vision was to create a campaign that was not only festive and celebratory, but also deeply rooted in the cultural identity of New Taipei City. It was a pleasure to work on a project that brought together the traditional and modern elements of design, and to witness the community's positive response to our work.
An Introduction to Gong Sound Healing
敲響銅鑼 返聽自心 : 銅鑼音療入門

𒊹︎︎︎ Book Design
For the design of 《敲響銅鑼 返聽自心:銅鑼音療入門 STRIKING THE GONG & LISTENING TO YOUR HEART: An Introduction to Gong Sound Healing》, we sought to capture the essence of the moment when the gong is struck—a profound, resonant sound that echoes deeply within the hearts of those who hear it. The book, written by renowned gong sound healing master Fang Baihua, invites readers on a journey of spiritual awakening, healing, and self-discovery.
在《敲響銅鑼 返聽自心:銅鑼音療入門》的設計中,我們嘗試捕捉敲擊銅鑼瞬間的精髓——一個深沉且迴盪心靈的聲音,直擊聽者內心。這本書由知名銅鑼音療導師方柏驊撰寫,帶領讀者進行一場靈性覺醒、療癒與自我探索的旅程。

Our design concept centered around visualizing that moment of impact, where the reverberation of the gong becomes a powerful metaphor for inner transformation. With an emphasis on elegance and a Zen-like simplicity, the book cover reflects the tranquility and mindfulness that gong sound healing embodies.
By integrating soft, flowing forms and minimalistic typography, the design mirrors the delicate balance between the physical and spiritual worlds, echoing the peaceful yet transformative experience of gong healing. The result is a visually striking yet serene representation that complements the deep wisdom and healing philosophy conveyed within the book.

New Taipei City Museum 新北博

𒊹︎︎︎ Logo design
𒊹︎︎︎ Integrated project
Invited by the New Taipei City Cultural Bureau, we were commissioned to design the logo for the "New Taipei City Museum" campaign. The campaign aimed to bring together six museums located in New Taipei City onto a single platform, allowing citizens to easily access information about each museum.
The logo design utilizes a constructivist approach to symbolize the connection between the different styles and atmospheres provided by the museums, all coming together in one platform. The design is kept to a single color, lending a minimalist and modern look that resonates with the city's cultural and creative vibe. Our design captures the essence of the campaign, emphasizing the unification of diverse cultural elements into a single cohesive platform
受新北市文化局邀請,我們負責設計「新北 博」的標誌 LOGO。項目旨在將新北市六座博物館匯聚於一個平台,方便市民瀏覽各博物館的資訊。標誌設計採用建構主義的手法,象徵著不同風格和氛圍的博物館在同一平台上的連結。設計以單一顏色為主,呈現出極簡主義和現代感,與城市的文化創意氛圍相呼應。

In addition to the logo, we also designed shopping bags for the brand, which are used in all museum gift shops. The bags feature the campaign's logo and are designed to reflect the brand's core values of accessibility and inclusivity. Our design approach was to create a simple yet visually striking design that highlights the brand's identity and purpose. The shopping bags have become a popular item among museum-goers, further promoting the brand's message and values.