𒊹︎︎︎ Logo design
𒊹︎︎︎ UI/UX
𒊹︎︎︎ Web design is a widely popular news channel website that attracts millions of visitors each day. As a designer for this project, I was tasked with creating a new logo design and UI/UX for the website. The new logo design is a simple yet modern typographic treatment that uses the classic DIN typeface. The clean and minimal design of the logo conveys a sense of trust and credibility, which is important for a news platform.
For the UI/UX design, my focus was on creating a mobile-friendly and easy-to-navigate experience for users. The homepage is designed like a dashboard, which includes daily hit topics and weather infos. The overall design is sleek and modern, with a focus on readability and accessibility. The result is a seamless user experience that allows readers to easily find the news they need while on the go.
Overall, the new logo design and UI/UX for helps to establish the brand as a credible source of news and information while providing a user-friendly and enjoyable experience for readers. 是一個廣受歡迎的新聞頻道網站,每天吸引著數百萬的訪客。作為這個項目的設計師,我的任務是為網站創建一個新的標誌設計和UI/UX。新的標誌設計採用了簡潔而現代的字體處理,使用了經典的DIN字體。標誌的乾淨和簡約設計傳達了信任和可靠性的感覺,這對於一個新聞平台來說至為重要。
總的來說, 的新標誌設計和UI/UX有助於確立品牌作為一個可靠的新聞和信息來源,同時為讀者提供了一個用戶友好且愉悅的體驗。