LIFE IN COLOUR by Stephen Peng

𒊹︎︎︎ Book Design
We were thrilled to take on the comission of designing the LIFE IN COLOUR art book series for Stephen Peng. With his mesmerizing abstract paintings as the centerpiece, we wanted to create a design that would complement the artwork and bring out its full beauty. Each book in the series showcases a different period of Peng's artistic journey.
The biography book delves into his life and inspiration. WeI carefully chose the colors and typography to evoke the mood of each painting and convey Peng's artistic vision. The result is a perfect reading experience for all ages, while perfectly captures the essence of Peng's work.
我們非常榮幸為Stephen Peng 彭雄渾 設計《LIFE IN COLOR 燦爛人生》藝術書系列。以他迷人的抽象畫作為中心,我們希望創造一種能夠與藝術作品相輔相成的設計,展現其完整的美感。這個系列中的每一本書都展示了Stephen 的藝術旅程。
傳記書籍《燦爛人生》深入探討了他的生平和靈感來源。我們精心選擇了色彩和字體,以喚起每幅畫作的情感,並傳達 Stephen 的藝術視野。開本尺寸、字體大小、紙質及裝訂手法建構出完美的閱讀體驗,適合所有年齡段的讀者,婉如完美捕捉 Stephen 作品的精髓。