Habby Baby Equipment Rentals 樂兒租

𒊹︎︎︎ Visual Identity
A visual identity design project for Habby, a Baby Equipment Rentals company that offers easy rental service for foreign visitors in Taiwan. The design concept takes inspiration from the company's name "Habby - a happy baby" and focuses on the idea of happiness.
The design language is bright and vivid, reflecting the joy that babies bring to families. The visual identity includes a playful logo that incorporates building blocks as the logo type design, along with a vibrant color palette that evokes positive emotions. The overall design creates a warm and welcoming feeling for customers, making their experience with Habby a happy and memorable one.
「habby 樂兒租」是一家提供給在台灣的外國遊客的嬰兒用品租賃服務公司,我們有幸參與了該公司的視覺識別設計項目。設計概念源於公司名稱"Habby - a happy baby",聚焦於快樂的概念。