𒊹︎︎︎ Branding
𒊹︎︎︎ Packaging
"FORMOSA GREEN" is a Taiwanese company committed to producing agricultural products in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. As one of Taiwan's leading green energy providers, FORMOSA promotes "Agri-solar" in Taiwan, aiming to reduce carbon footprint and promote renewable energy.
For the design, we chose to incorporate the shape of Taiwan's map and the characters "臺灣" (Taiwan) to represent the company's pride and vision. This simple yet powerful logo communicates the company's mission.
「FORMOSA GREEN」是一家致力於以可持續和環保方式生產農產品的台灣公司。作為台灣最具代表性的綠電業者,在台灣 FORMOSA 這片土地推廣「農電共生 Agri-solar」,致力減少碳足跡並推廣可再生能源是他們的使命。因此設計我們選擇大擔地用臺灣二字和地圖中臺灣的形狀,作為商標的主體。簡潔有力地溝通業者的驕傲和願景。

FORMOSA GREEN's solar farms allow them to produce the best products driven solely by renewable energy, ensuring the highest standards of quality while prioritizing environmental protection. They also prioritize the use of natural fertilizers and pesticides, avoiding harmful chemicals that could harm the environment and consumers.
We also designed the "AgriSolar label," which sets the standard for production under the concept of "Agri-solar."
FORMOSA GREEN的太陽能農場使他們能夠生產僅由可再生能源驅動的最佳產品,確保他們的農產品在品質上達到最高標準,同時注重環境保護。此外,他們優先使用天然肥料和農藥,避免有害化學物質對環境和消費者造成傷害。
我們更為業者設計 「AgriSolar 標章」,為「農電共生」下生產的概念立下標準。

Conceptual design. Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash