𒊹︎︎︎ Visual Identity
𒊹︎︎︎ Integrated Design
EV OASIS is an EV charging service provider with over 200 charging stations located throughout Taiwan. The main concept of the brand image is to create a futuristic design that seamlessly integrates with all car brands, regardless of their specific design elements.
The logo features a minimalist design with a sleek, simple font and an electric lake-blue-green color that represents the futuristic and eco-friendly nature of the brand. The circular shape of the logo symbolizes the charging slot as well as the infinite possibilities of EV technology and clean energy - to calls out the goal of the brand - provides an oasis of electricity for EV drivers.
The visual identity of EV OASIS adopts clean lines and modern minimalistic elements, creating a friendly and simplistic design across various user interfaces. This effectively highlights the brand's commitment to providing convenient, user-friendly, and sustainable electric vehicle charging solutions.
With its branding and marketing resources, as well as its charging pole and station designs, EV OASIS has become a trendsetter in the electric vehicle industry, making it one of the most well-known and beloved charging service providers in Taiwan.
EV OASIS 是一家在台灣設有超過200個充電站的電動車充電服務提供者。我們為品牌定義富未來感的形象, 標誌採用極簡設計,搭配流暢簡單的字體和湖藍綠色,代表品牌的未來主義和環保特性。標誌的圓形形狀象徵充電插槽以及電動車技術和清潔能源的無限可能性,突顯了品牌的目標 - 為電動車司機提供電力的綠洲。
EV OASIS 的視覺識別採用乾淨的線條和現代極簡主義元素,在各個使用者介面皆打造一個親和簡約的設計,有效凸顯品牌致力於提供便捷、友善易用,且可持續的電動車充電解決方案。
品牌和營銷資源以及充電樁和站內設計都在電動車界帶起風潮,使得 EV OASIS 成為台灣最知名和受人喜愛的充電服務提供商之一。

︎︎︎photos are provided by clients

︎︎︎site locations photos are provided by clients