Dynamic City Parkour 城市跑酷

𒊹︎︎︎ Logo type Design
𒊹︎︎︎ Promotional Material Design
In collaboration with the New Taipei City Culture Foundation, We had the opportunity to work on the logo type design for "城市跑酷 Dynamic City Parkour." Rooted in the Foundation's vision of promoting cultural equality, this project aims to break down barriers between urban and rural areas by offering elementary school students across New Taipei City the chance to engage in a city parkour-themed painting activity.
The logo type design captures the essence of this dynamic concept, with bold and lively typography that reflects the adventurous spirit of parkour. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant illustrations by local illustrator, Train 火車, the design incorporates jumps and parkour movements through characters, creating a sense of excitement and movement.
在與新北市文化基金會的合作中,我們有機會為「城市跑酷 Dynamic City Parkour」設計標誌字型。在基金會與主創作、動畫製作者黑碼藝識共同合作的專案中,根植於促進文化平權的願景, 他們期待透過繪畫打破城鄉圍籬,藉由動畫線稿接力創作,共同完成圓頂動畫作品。
標誌字型設計捕捉了這個動態概念的本質,採用了大膽而生動的字體,反映了跑酷的冒險精神。配合插畫家火車 (Train) 的生動筆觸,通過字型的跳躍和動態,營造歡樂動感的氛圍。

Through this project, children are invited to unleash their imagination and explore the colorful cityscape of New Taipei City, transcending boundaries and embarking on an exhilarating urban adventure.
計畫總籌 | New Taipei City Culture Foundation 財團法人新北市文化基金會
主創作 動畫製作 | Hey mechanic! 黑碼藝識
插畫設計 | 火車 Train
標準字設計 | 厸彡 Linshan
計畫總籌 | New Taipei City Culture Foundation 財團法人新北市文化基金會
主創作 動畫製作 | Hey mechanic! 黑碼藝識
插畫設計 | 火車 Train
標準字設計 | 厸彡 Linshan