Carrefour Foundation Annual Report 2023 家樂福文教基金會 2023 年報

𒊹︎︎︎ Editorial Concept & Design
For the Carrefour Foundation Annual Report 2023 (Taiwan), we designed the publication around the theme of "Dialogue," visually represented through various speech bubble designs. These speech bubbles connect the entire report, symbolizing the continuous communication and interaction between the company, its customers, and society.
在 台灣家樂福基金會2023年報設計中,我們以「對話」為主題,透過各式各樣的對話框設計貫穿整本報告,象徵公司、顧客與社會之間不斷的溝通與互動。

The report is divided into eight main chapters, each highlighting a different aspect of the foundation’s contributions to the community, from environmental initiatives to social responsibility programs. The use of speech bubbles reinforces the idea of ongoing dialogue and collaboration, making the content not only informative but also engaging. This creative approach celebrates the Carrefour Foundation’s efforts while showcasing its commitment to fostering meaningful connections and positive societal impact.